Why Geography Matters to Ecologists: Geographical Patterns of Biodiversity

August 13, 2018, 10:20 AM - 10:40 AM


George Mason University

Fairfax, Research Hall, Room 163

Fairfax, VA

Monica Papes, University of Tennessee

In this talk, I will provide an overview of my research interests, focused on using ecological niche modeling and spatial data to study species’ distributions. To illustrate my research interests, I will discuss studies (in progress or completed) aiming to detect plant species richness, plant traits, and estimate the potential distribution of species. In second part of my talk I will introduce the Spatial Analysis Lab, an interdisciplinary recharge center established last year in NIMBioS at University of Tennessee through a partnership between Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Geography, NIMBioS, and the College of Arts and Sciences.