June 19, 2018, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Groton School
Groton, MA
Whit Gibbons, University of Georgia
Whit Gibbons is Professor Emeritus of Ecology, University of Georgia, and former Head of the Environmental Outreach and Education program at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL). He received degrees in biology from the University of Alabama (B.S.-1961; M.S.-1963) and in zoology from Michigan State University (Ph.D. - 1967). Whit Gibbons is author or editor of 20 books on herpetology and ecology (see partial list below) and has published more than 250 articles in scientific journals. He has had commentaries on National Public Radio (Living on Earth, Science Friday, and others), and has had more than 1,000 popular articles on ecology published in magazines and newspapers, including a weekly environmental column distributed by the New York Times Regional Newspaper Group.