June 18, 2018, 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM
Groton School
Groton, MA
Christopher Smith, Herpmapper
HerpMapper is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization designed to gather and share information about reptile and amphibian observations across the planet. Using HerpMapper, you can create records of your herp observations and keep them all in one place. In turn, your data is made available to HerpMapper Partners – groups who use your recorded observations for research, conservation, and preservation purposes. Your observations make valuable contributions on the behalf of amphibians and reptiles.
Christopher E. Smith, Director of Public Affairs: Chris is a professional wildlife biologist by day, with a bachelor's degree in wildlife management and a master's degree in conservation biology - both from the University of Minnesota. Chris is also certified by The Wildlife Society as an Certified Wildlife Biologist. His work generally focuses on amphibian, reptiles, and terrestrial invertebrate conservation and research at a variety of spatial scales. In addition to his professional work, Chris is an avid "field herper" as well as a citizen-science advocate. Chris volunteers his time to a variety of conservation-focused organizations, and currently sits on the Board of Directors for The Center for North American Herpetology (CNAH), and is an active Midwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (MW PARC) and Minnesota Herpetological Society (MHS) organization member. In his 'spare' time Chris helps administer the HerpMapper project, and is the Project's social media lead.