« DIMACS Workshop on Complexity of Cryptographic Primitives and Assumptions
June 08, 2017 - June 09, 2017
CUNY Advanced Science Research Center
The City University of New York
85 St Nicholas Terrace
New York, NY 10031
Click here for map.
Rosario Gennaro, City University of New York
Shai Halevi, IBM
Tal Malkin, Columbia University
Oded Regev, New York University (NYU)
It is well accepted that the discovery of public-key cryptography revolutionized the field of cryptology. One of its most long-lasting effects has been the development of a solid foundation for the field grounded in the concepts of complexity theory. This foundation is arguably one of the reasons for the success of modern cryptography as both an academic field and a research area. Such a foundation can also support trustworthy practical security solutions.
Thanks to the groundbreaking and foundational work of the last 30 years, we have gained some understanding of the relationship and reductions between intractability assumptions and cryptographic constructions, as well as between the cryptographic primitives themselves. Nevertheless, this is still an important and active research topic in cryptography, with many intriguing open questions about the computational intractability assumptions needed for fundamental primitives and the efficiency of the related constructions.
Modern cryptography is now in the midst of a second revolution. New techniques for homomorphic and functional encryption, verifiable computation, and obfuscation are changing the nature and objectives of cryptography from mere protection of data to pervasive protection of computation itself. Many of the new contributions in this area rely on new intractability assumptions that are still poorly understood . It is therefore imperative for the field to collectively explore these new assumptions in order to justify their use and our trust in them.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together mathematicians, complexity theorists, and cryptographers in an effort to explore the state of the art of complexity-based cryptography, while at the same time developing a solid foundational framework for the new techniques and assumptions underlying much of the new developments in cryptography, and expanding the theoretical assurances and justifications for them.
Tutorial and survey talks will help introduce the topics to students and researchers from other areas.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Registration and Breakfast
Workshop Welcome
Rosario Gennaro, City University of New York
Public-seed Pseudorandom Permutations
Stefano Tessaro, University of California, Santa Barbara
Indistinguishability Obfuscation from Trilinear Maps and Block-Wise Local PRGs
Huijia Rachel Lin, University of California, Santa Barbara
Attacks on Blockwise Local PRGs and Indistinguishability Obfuscation
Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Our Current Knowledge of Knowledge Assumptions
Nir Bitanski, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dana Dachman-Soled, University of Maryland
Black-box and Non-black-box Lower Bounds on Assumptions behind IO
Mohammad Mahmoody, University of Virginia
Friday, June 9, 2017
Registration and Breakfast
Pseudorandom Generators from One-Way Functions via Computational Entropy
Salil Vadhan, Harvard University
Yuval Ishai, Technion and UCLA
The State of Lattice-based Assumptions
Chris Peikert, University of Michigan
A Survey of Computational Assumptions on Bilinear and Multilinear Maps
Allison Breton Bishop, Columbia University
The workshop will be held on June 8 and 9, 2017, at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center in the campus of The City College of New York.It is a joint event with the NYC Cryptoday for the month of June. It features a mix of new and exciting results, together with survey talks.
Registration fee waivers are available, please contact Rosario Gennaro at rosario@ccny.cuny.edu Please forward this announcement to anyone whom you think will be interested. We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Presented in association with the Special Focus on Cryptography and the Special Focus on Cybersecurity.