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« The Small Quasikernel Conjecture

The Small Quasikernel Conjecture

October 30, 2024, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM


Mathematics Graduate Student Lounge -- 7th Floor

Rutgers University

Hill Center

Mathematics Department

110 Frelinghuysen Road

Piscataway, NJ 08854

Sam Spiro, Rutgers University

Given a digraph $D$, we say that a set of vertices $Qsubseteq V(D)$ is a quasikernel if $Q$ is an independent set and if every vertex of $D$ can be reached from $Q$ by a path of length at most 2.  The Small Quasikernel Conjecture of P.L. ErdH{o}s and Sz'ekely from 1976 states that every $n$-vertex source-free digraph $D$ contains a quasikernel of size at most $frac{1}{2}n$.  Despite being posed nearly 50 years ago, very little is known about this conjecture, with the only non-trivial upper bound of $n-frac{1}{4}sqrt{nlog n}$ being proven very recently by ourself.  We discuss this together with a number of other related results and open problems around the Small Quasikernel Conjecture.