April 13, 2022, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Mathematics Graduate Student Lounge -- 7th Floor
Rutgers University
Hill Center
Mathematics Department
110 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Blair Seidler, Rutgers University
How would one use Maple to produce a catalog of minimum-complexity circuits for all Boolean functions of a small number of variables? This talk will focus on the modeling decisions and optimizations (successful and otherwise) of that process. Planned digression #1 is a discussion of the Quine-McCluskey algorithm for minimization of Boolean functions. Planned digression #2 will demonstrate the relationship between the number of antichains of subsets of [n] and the number of monotone Boolean functions.
This seminar is being held in person in The Hill Center,
Mathematics Graduate Student Lounge - 7th Floor
and online via a simultaneous broadcast on Zoom.
Zoom Link: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/93463091604?pwd=Lzh2THR1NTM0b0tkaktScEVpYkt1dz09
Meeting ID: 934 6309 1604
Password: 442017