Finite Axioms of Choice

October 27, 2021, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Mathematics Graduate Student Lounge -- 7th Floor

Rutgers University

Hill Center

Mathematics Department

110 Frelinghuysen Road

Piscataway, NJ 08854

Brian Pinsky, Rutgers University

The axiom of choice says "every set of non-empty sets has a choice function".  This has some well known, slightly problematic consequences.  However, abandoning AC can result in much much worse consequences (e.g. the reals are a countable union of countable sets).  This has led mathematicians think of lots of weaker axioms over the year.

In this talk, I'll give an overview of a bunch of several of these axioms.  Some are stronger than others, but which ones are how strong can be hard to tell.  The axioms "every set of n-element sets have a choice function" turn out particularly interesting; studying the implications will take us through some vary fancy combinatorics, and a presumably open question that's been bothering me for like years now.


This seminar is being held in person in The Hill Center,
Mathematics Graduate Student Lounge - 7th Floor
and online via a simultaneous broadcast on Zoom.

Zoom Link:

Password: 557818

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