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« The Chvátal-Rödl-Szemerédi-Trotter Theorem

The Chvátal-Rödl-Szemerédi-Trotter Theorem

March 10, 2021, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM


Online Event

Rashmika Goswami, Rutgers University

The Ramsey number r(G) of a graph G is the minimum number n such that any two-coloring of the edges of a complete graph on n vertices will contain a monochromatic copy of G. It is known that for the complete graph, r(K_n) grows exponentially in n. However, for graphs of bounded degree, Chvátal, Rödl, Szemerédi, and Trotter showed that this number is (asymptotically) much smaller. This result also illustrates a nice application of Szemerédi's Regularity Lemma.


Presented via Zoom - Meeting ID: 984 4140 9199



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