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« Error Estimation for Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra: Bootstrap Methods

Error Estimation for Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra: Bootstrap Methods

September 17, 2019, 4:30 PM - 5:10 PM


Center Hall

Rutgers University

Busch Campus Student Center

604 Bartholomew Rd

Piscataway NJ

Click here for map.

Miles Lopes, University of California, Davis

In recent years, many randomized algorithms have been proposed for computing approximate solutions to large-scale problems in numerical linear algebra. However, the user rarely knows the actual error of a randomized solution. For this reason, it is common to rely on theoretical worst-case error bounds as a source of guidance. As a more practical alternative, we propose bootstrap methods to obtain direct error estimates for randomized solutions. Specifically, in the contexts of matrix multiplication and least-squares, we show that bootstrap error estimates are theoretically justified, and incur modest computational cost.

Joint work with Benjamin Erichson, Michael Mahoney, and Shusen Wang.