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« Completions for Special Classes of Matrices: Euclidean Distance, Low Rank, Sparse, and Toeplitz

Completions for Special Classes of Matrices: Euclidean Distance, Low Rank, Sparse, and Toeplitz

June 26, 2019, 3:00 PM - 3:40 PM



Rutgers University

CoRE Building

96 Frelinghuysen Road

Piscataway, NJ 08854

Click here for map.

Henry Wolkowicz, University of Waterloo

We consider the matrix completion problem for special classes of matrices. This includes EDM, low rank, robust PCA, and Toeplitz. We consider both the exact and noisy cases. We include theoretical results as well as efficient numerical techniques. Our tools are semidefinite programming, facial reduction, and trust region subproblems.