Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Rutgers Math REU

Application Instructions

For more detailed instructions, please click here. To apply electronically please submit:
  1. the application below (you may also send an application by regular mail),
  2. a transcript (unofficial is ok) which can be uploaded below
  3. a personal statement of interest and commitment uploaded through the website, and
  4. a letter of recommendation uploaded by the recommender through this webpage.

Transcripts, statement, and the letter of recommendation may also be e-mailed to or mailed to:

4th Floor/CoRE Building
Rutgers University
96 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8018

Note that your application is complete when we have received all 4 items.

1. Application Form

Please complete the application form below by filling in the following blanks. When finished, press the "send" button at the bottom of the form. Required items are indicated by this style.

Who are you?

Your First Name:
Your Middle Name:
Your Last Name:

Where do you attend school?

Your School:
Your 1st Major:
Your 2nd Major:
Your 1st Minor:
Your 2nd Minor:

Please fill in only the applicable fields - any majors or minors you have.

Where do you live when you are at school?

School Address Line #1:
School Address Line #2:
School Address Line #3:
School Phone:

Where do you live when you are at home?

Home Address Line #1:
Home Address Line #2:
Home Address Line #3:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:

Please provice your personal cell-phone number. If we need to contact you in the case of any emergency, we will need this number.

Your E-Locations:

School e-mail:Preferred
Personal e-mail:Preferred
Web Page:

For "Personal e-mail" please use a permanent email address to which you will have access in the future.

Who will write a letter of recommendation for you?


Democraphic Information

*Gender: No AnswerMF

*This is optional information which we are required to track, since this is a federally funded program. You are not obligated to answer these questions.

Your Academic Background:

Expected Graduation Date:
Estimated Current GPA:
List of this semester's classes with an estimate of your grades:

Previous coursework relevant to the REU program:

Employment, internships or other experience relevant to the REU program:

Programming language knowledge (C, C++, Java, Maple, MAGMA, GAP, Mathematica, etc.):

Program-related details:

Citizenship status:
If other, country of citizenship:

Due to funding agency rules, only U.S. citizens and permanent residents can receive stipends, housing, or travel support under the DIMACS, DIMACS/DIMATIA, and Mathematics programs; however, foreign students enrolled at a U.S. university are eligible under the CCICADA program.

Is it possible for you to continue this project at your home institution during the following academic year?
Yes Probably Maybe Probably Not No

Please explain, if necessary, your response:

Do you wish to be considered for the visit to DIMACS' sister site, DIMATIA, in Prague?

Students admitted to work on a DIMACS REU project will be considered for participation in the DIMACS/DIMATIA exchange program. Students will be contacted and invited to this program if they are selected to participate. Selecting "Yes" above is not a commitment, and students may decline this invitation.

List projects in which you would to participate:


Please consult the DIMACS/CCICADA and Rutgers Math Department webpages. List the project numbers (e.g. DIMACS 2012-04, Math 2009-06) in order of preference (please list all for which you are eligible that are of interest to you). Please do not list projects from years other than the current year.

Do you have any comments or questions?

Submit your application:

Press SUBMIT APPLICATION below to submit your application. Please make sure you have filled in all required information. (All information is required, except where otherwise noted.) Once you have submitted this, please complete steps 2 & 3, and request that a teacher or other supervisor complete step 4.

2. Transcript

Upload of applicant transcripts:

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
File to Upload:


  • It is sufficient to submit unofficial transcripts.
  • Please upload .doc .docx or .pdf files only.
  • Please make sure your name is listed at the top of the first page of the file you are uploading!
  • The upload script will rename the file based on your first and last name.
  • Upload one file only. Uploading a second file will overwrite your first file.

Once you have typed in your name and selected the file, press SUBMIT TRANSCRIPT below:

3. Personal Statement

Upload of applicant statement of interest and commitment:

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
File to Upload:


Here is your opportunity to demonstrate why you should be chosen to participate in the DIMACS/CCICADA REU Program. Submit a brief statement explaining your background, research interests, motivations, and what you hope to gain from participating in the program. You should also elaborate on the possibility of continuing with your research project upon returning to your home institution.

  • Please upload .doc .docx or .pdf files only.
  • Please make sure your name is listed at the top of the first page of the file you are uploading!
  • The upload script will rename the file based on your first and last name.
  • Upload one file only. Uploading a second file will overwrite your first file.

Once you have typed in your name and selected the file, press SUBMIT STATEMENT below:

4. Recommendation

Upload of recommender's letter of support:

Student's First Name:
Student's Last Name:
Recommender's Last Name:
File to Upload:


  • Please upload .doc .docx or .pdf files only.
  • Please make sure the applicant's name and your name are listed at the top of the first page of the file you are uploading! e.g.:
       Applicant:    Angela Smith
       Recommender:  Dr. Thomas Jones
  • The upload script will rename the file based on your first and last name.
  • Upload one file only. Uploading a second file will overwrite your first file.

Once you have typed in your name and selected the file, press SUBMIT RECOMMENDATION below:

DIMACS Home Page
DIMACS Contact Information
Page last modified on October 22, 2011.