The Sixth DIMACS Implementation Challenge:
Near Neighbor Searches
General Information
August 19, 1998 (revised timeline)
In conjunction with its Special Year on Massive Data Sets, the Center
for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS)
invites participation in an Implementation Challenge focusing on
Near Neighbor Searches. The Implementation Challenge will take place
between January 1998 and January 1999. Participants are invited to
carry out research projects related to the problem area and to present
research papers at a DIMACS workshop to be held on January 15-16, 1999
in Baltimore, Maryland (in conjunction with
A refereed
workshop proceedings of the DIMACS Challenge workshop will be
published as part of the AMS-DIMACS book series.
Finding near neighbors according to various distance measures arises
in many application areas, including but not limited to finding
similar web documents, images, DNA sequences, lines of text, or audio
and video clips, and more generally in areas of statistics, data
mining, information retrieval, pattern recognition and data
compression. The goal of the Implementation Challenge is to determine
how algorithms depend on the structure of the underlying data sets, as
well as to determine realistic algorithm performance where worst case
analysis is overly pessimistic and probabilistic models are too
unrealistic. We invite research projects in the following two
directions, discussed in greater detail in Section 2.
Providing Interesting Data Sets and Distance Measures.
We invite researchers from various application areas to provide
interesting data sets for near neighbor problems. Contributions could
consist either of sample data sets from a true application or
of realistic instance generators resembling practical data sets.
Our goal is to construct a library of test problems that will be
available for study both during and after the Challenge.
Developing Near Neighbor Algorithms. Neighbor algorithms may be
developed either for specific application domains or for more general
spaces. Algorithms may aim to find the nearest neighbor, several
nearest neighbors, or approximate neighbors. Projects may involve
either public domain or proprietary codes.
The emphasis of the Challenge is to consider various neighbor problems
in the following static, online setting. An algorithm is first given
access to a fixed data set, comprised of points from some underlying
domain. After preprocessing the data set and generating any
associated data structures, an algorithm will be given a sequence
of new query points, and for each one, will be asked to find the
neighbor(s) to the query in the original input space.
In some settings, very efficient data structures have been designed
for these problems. For instance, for a metric space defined by the
Euclidean distance between a set of points in the plane, structures
such as the Voronoi diagram or quadtrees can be built, using linear
storage and logarithmic query time. The focus of the Challenge is to
better understand the realistic performance of algorithms as the data
sets undergo a dramatic increase in size, and also as the underlying
space increases in dimensionality or becomes non-Euclidean.
Through the rest of this section, we discuss possible variants for
near neighbor problems. These variants suggest many possible research
projects for the Implementation Challenge, however participation is
not necessarily limited to these directions.
Near neighbor problems arise in a variety of applications, based on
data sets from very different domains (see Section 2.7
for a list of possible domains). A first question is whether it is
possible to design very general algorithms and data structures which
can be used across many applications, with data and distance functions
that seemingly have nothing in common. A general algorithm for these
problems may rely only on a black-box oracle for the similarity of two
points. For example, previous researchers have consider such general
algorithms which require only that a distance function satisfies the
triangle inequality and thus forms a metric space [Bri95,Cla97,FS82,Uhl91,Yia93].
However, when examining a data set from a very specific application,
much stronger results may be possible. One possibility is that the
additional problem structure can be used to improve the performance
for one of the general algorithms above. Alternatively, algorithms
which have more knowledge of the underlying domain may be able to use
the raw data to provide better solutions. For example, an important
special case is when the data set consists of d-dimensional points
in Euclidean space. Researchers have considered near neighbor
queries for Euclidean spaces in both low and high dimensions
Given a query point q, the most traditional goal may be to return
a point of the original data set which is closest to q. However
there are many other related queries which could be asked. The
following list contains many such questions, noting when possible
previous research related to the particular query type. We welcome
other suggestions for useful queries.
We define our queries based on the following subsets of the original
data set, relative to q. For a given set, we can form a query which
asks an algorithm to return a single member of the set, or a query
which asks an algorithm to return the entire set.
- - The point which is the nearest to q (if not
unique, the set of all points which are closest)
- - The nearest k points to q (if not unique,
the set of all points for which there are at most k-1 points nearer
to q).
- - All points within distance r or less from
q [Bri95].
- - If the true nearest point p has
distance d(p,q), this set consists of all points p' for which
- - If the kth nearest point p has
distance d(p,q), this set consists of all points p' for which
We can consider combining the above sets, for instance asking an
algorithm to return the entire set ,is equivalent to asking for the k nearest neighbor to q, except
throwing out any of those which are at distance greater than r
Furthermore, we can consider approximate versions of the problems, for
instance having an algorithm minimizing the value of , while
being able to return a member of .
Finally, we can also consider Monte Carlo, randomized algorithms for
all of these queries, attempting to maximize the probability that the
response to a query is legitimate.
Algorithms may consider query points which are supplied in one of
several ways. They may be chosen arbitrarily by a user. They may be
chosen by the same random distribution which supplied the original
data set. Or they may be chosen by a separate random distribution,
however an algorithm may be supplied with a small sample of these
queries during the preprocessing step.
In a classification system, we assume that all of the original data
points are colored, and rather than asking about the exact input point
which is closest to some query q, we can instead ask what
color is the point nearest to q. In fact, for all of our query
sets defined in Section 2.2, we can ask corresponding
classification queries, asking either for the majority color within a
set or for the exact color distribution within a set.
In applications where computing the true distance function is quite
expensive, we could consider the use of algorithms which try to make
use of inaccurate distance functions which may be computed more
efficiently. For instance, one could consider a secondary function
which returns the distance as long as it is less than some threshold
T, but returns infinity otherwise, or a secondary function which is
monotone in the true distance function. Alternatively, it may be that
distance values are cached, and so a secondary function may be able to
return the exact distance quickly, so long as that distance is in the
Another direction for research is to look at applications in which a
nearest neighbor algorithm is used as a black box procedure for a
larger algorithm. For example, many clustering algorithms build their
clusters using nearest neighbor queries, for instance adding points to
the clusters based on their distance to the clusters, or merging
together clusters based on the distance between their centers.
Similarly, nearest neighbor queries are used by a common heuristic for
building traveling salesmen tours. Experimentation could be done to
understand how different nearest neighbor algorithms effect the
performance of the larger program.
- Text Strings -- We could search a fixed dictionary to find
nearby words for a mis-spelled word. Or we could search an essay for
lines which are nearly plagiarized from some other source. The
distance functions on words or lines could be based on Hamming
distance or on a variety of edit distances.
- Documents -- We could search a collection of documents for
ones which are closely related to a given query document. For
instance, we may ask to find similar web pages, or relevant news
articles. Distance functions could be based on a vector of word
frequency counts, or in the case of web pages on the incoming or
outgoing links. A useful classification system may have a large
training set of both spam and non-spam email messages, and then given
a new message, it could predict whether the nearby messages are
labeled as spam or non-spam.
- DNA Sequences -- Given a large collection of DNA sequences,
for example an evolutionary tree, we may wish to find neighbors of a
new sample, or to classify a new sample based on the collection.
- Images -- A library of images can be searched, where similarity
is based on some combination of properties such as colors, features,
embedded text, and so on.
- Audio streams -- Can we identify a speaker by comparing a
sample to a database of speakers.
- Video streams -- Can we find similarity between different video
clips, or between frames of the same clip?
- Bibliographies -- Can we find articles related to a query,
based on a combination of authors, titles, abstracts, etc.?
One of the main issues in the DIMACS Implementation Challenges is in
using experimentation alongside theoretic analysis in determining
realistic algorithm performance. Using various data sets provided by
participants, we will later list a set of benchmarks which other
participants may use to evaluate various search algorithms.
There are four main axes for evaluating the performance of an
algorithm, namely the preprocessing time, the preprocessing space, the
query time, and in the case of approximate searches, the quality of
the solution. Of course along each axis, there are many possible ways
to evaluating the performance. For algorithms acting on general
spaces, the number of calls to the distance oracle is one very natural
atomic operation for measuring the preprocessing and query running
times. For algorithms specialized to a domain, other atomic
operations may provide natural measures of performance.
Furthermore, participants may wish to compare overall running times
for algorithms under similar conditions. Besides testing an algorithm
on the given queries, participants may want to run additional
experiments by finding all nearest neighbors within the original data
set, finding the closest pair of points in the original data, or
finding the site which is most isolated from all others.
The Challenge began in January 1998 and will conclude with a Workshop
in January of 1999. The only firm deadline in the Challenge will be
for the submission of extended abstracts for the Workshop on or before
September 11, 1998. Later deadlines will be set for submission of the
full paper for the refereed proceedings.
However, the goal of this Challenge is to use the period between
January 1998 and January 1999 to provide feedback and interaction
for ongoing research. It is during this period that the Steering
Committee will be reviewing short abstracts and suggesting alternative
approaches. It is also during this period that researchers will be
able to coordinate and interact with others doing similar work.
As of August 1998, the remainder of the Challenge schedule is as
- September 11, 1998:
Deadline for submitting an extended abstract (up to ten pages), from
which the Implementation Challenge Workshop presenters will be chosen
by the Challenge Steering Committee. Extended abstracts should be
submitted by either one of the two following methods:
- 1.
- Six hard copies of the abstract can be sent to,
Michael Goldwasser
Dept. of Computer Science
35 Olden Street
Princeton, NJ 08544
- 2.
- Alternatively, postscript versions of the abstract can be
submitted electronically to
- October 1998:
Steering Committee will announce the list of those abstracts which
were accepted for presentation in the Implementation Challenge
Workshop. Soon after this, the set of accepted extended abstracts for
the Implementation Challenge will be circulated to those with accepted
presentations. This will allow participants to prepare their workshop
presentation with the related papers already in mind and it will
encourage further communication between participants.
- October 1998 - January 1999:
Those accepted as presentors at the Challenge Workshop are free to
continue experiments in preparation for their presentations.
Throughout this period, we will continue to gather contributed data
sets and algorithms at the Challenge web page. Additionally we
welcome further communication between participants during this time.
- January 15-16, 1999:
The DIMACS Implementation Challenge Workshop will be held in
coordinate with ALENEX'99 in Baltimore, Maryland at the Baltimore Omni
Inner Harbor Hotel (For more details on the rest of ALENEX'99, please
see their web page at
- March 1999 (tentative):
Full papers will be due for consideration in the refereed
Implementation Challenge proceedings in the AMS-DIMACS book series.
Please note, only those papers which were presented at the Workshop
will be eligible for publication in the proceedings.
Support code, program development and testing tools, and data sets may
be submitted and are welcome at any time. Throughout the challenge,
submitted algorithms and data sets will be made available on the
Challenge web page, with the contributor's permission.
All information for the Challenge will be available online, through
the Sixth Implementation Challenge Web page
Additionally, most information will be available through ftp
Any additional questions can be sent to the organizers at
DIMACS facilities will provide a clearing-house for exchange of
programs and data and for communication among researchers, including a
collection of benchmark instances and evaluation criteria for
algorithms. A steering committee offers the participants advice and
support in their projects throughout the duration of the
implementation challenge. DIMACS can provide neither financial
support for research projects nor machine cycles for the experiments.
Full or partial support for travel and expenses may be available for
those presenting at the Workshop.
The following people are serving on the Steering Committee for the
Sixth Challenge, helping to set the guidelines for participation:
- Jon Bentley, Bell Labs (,
- Ken Clarkson, Bell Labs (,
- Michael Goldwasser (coordinator), Princeton University (,
- David Johnson, AT&T Labs (,
- Cathy McGeoch, Amherst College (,
- Robert Sedgewick, Princeton University (
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- Bri95
Sergey Brin.
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- BS76
J. L. Bentley and M. I. Shamos.
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- BWY80
J. L. Bentley, B. W. Weide, and A. C. Yao.
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- Cla88
Kenneth Clarkson.
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- Cla94
Kenneth Clarkson.
An algorithm for approximate closest-point queries.
In Proc. 10th ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry, pages
160-164, 1994.
- Cla97
Kenneth Clarkson.
Nearest neighbor queries in metric spaces.
In Proc. 39th ACM Symp. Theory Comp., pages 609-617, 1997.
- DDS92
M. T. Dickerson, R. L. Drysdale, and J. R. Sack.
Simple algorithms for enumerating interpoint distances and finding
k nearest neighbors.
Internat. J. Comput. Geom. Appl., 2(3):221-239, 1992.
- DL76
David Dobkin and Richard Lipton.
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SIAM J. Comput., 5(2):181-186, 1976.
- FS82
C. Feustel and L. Shapiro.
The nearest neighbor problem in an abstract metric space.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 1:125-128, 1982.
- IMRV97
Piotr Indyk, Rajeev Motwani, Prabhakar Raghavan, and Santosh Vempala.
Locality-preserving hashing in multidimensional spaces.
In Proc. 39th ACM Symp. Theory Comp., pages 618-625, 1997.
- Kle97
Jon Kleinberg.
Two algorithms for nearest-neighbor search in high dimensions.
In Proc. 39th ACM Symp. Theory Comp., pages 599-608, 1997.
- Mat91
Jirí Matousek.
Reporting points in halfspaces.
In Proc. 32nd Symp. on Found. Comput. Sci., pages 207-215,
- Mei93
Stefan Meiser.
Point location in arrangements of hyperplanes.
Information and Computation, 106(2):286-303, 1993.
- MS97
Nimrod Megiddo and Uri Shaft.
Efficient nearest neighbor indexing based on a collection of space
filling curves.
Technical Report IBM Research Report RJ 10093 (91909), IBM Almaden
Research Center, San Jose California, 1997.
- Mul91
Ketan Mulmuley.
Randomized multidimensional search trees: Further results in
dynamic sampling (extended abstract).
In Proc. 32nd Symp. on Found. Comput. Sci., pages 216-227,
- Sam89
Hanan Samet.
The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures.
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Ma, 1989.
- Uhl91
Jeffrey K. Uhlmann.
Satisfying general proximity/similarity queries with metric trees.
Information Processing Letters, 40(4):175-179, 1991.
- Vai89
P. M. Vaidya.
An algorithm for the all-nearest-neighbors problem.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 4:101-115, 1989.
- Yia93
Peter Yianilos.
Data structures and algorithms for nearest neighbor search in general
metric spaces.
In Proc. 4th ACM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms, pages 311-321,
- YY85
Andrew Yao and Frances Yao.
A general approach to d-dimensional geometric queries.
In Proc. 17th ACM Symp. Theory Comput., pages 163-168, 1985.
DIMACS Implementation Challenge.
DIMACS Implementation Challenges.
DIMACS Home Page.
Maintained by Michael Goldwasser
Document last modified on August 19, 1998.