Code of Conduct for Your Time at DIMACS
DIMACS and Rutgers University are committed to creating and maintaining a working and learning environment that is free from discrimination, bullying, harassment, and retaliation of all forms.
If you are visiting DIMACS or attending a DIMACS event, we ask that you respect the dignity of those around you by refraining from inappropriate behavior, especially that which interferes with the full participation of others. Violations of this general policy will not be tolerated.
Rutgers University recognizes its responsibility to increase awareness of such misconduct, prevent its occurrence, support victims, deal fairly and firmly with offenders and diligently investigate reports of misconduct. Related Rutgers policy sets forth how the university defines and addresses these forms of misconduct. These policies, as defined by Rutgers University in its Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment, apply to all DIMACS activities.
Violations occurring at DIMACS or DIMACS-sponsored activities may be reported to the DIMACS Center Administrator ( or to the appropriate contacts listed in the Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment document.