About the 2003 Topic

Research Program

High School Teacher Program

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AT&T Learning Network


July 13 - August 1, 2003

Education Program Participants


Linda Lesniak (Program Director), Drew University, llesniak@drew.edu
Fred S. Roberts (Director of DIMACS, Principal Investigator), DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Joseph Rosenstein (Associate Director of Education), DIMACS, Rutgers University, joer@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Barry Tesman (Education Program Director), Dickinson College, tesman@dickinson.edu

Lead Teachers

L. Charles (Chuck) Biehl, The Charter School of Wilmington, Wilmington, Delaware, cbiehl@charterschool.org

Patrick (Pat) Carney, The Montclair Kimberley Academy, Montclair, New Jersey, pcarney@dimacs.rutgers.edu

Mihaela Nicolescu, Collegiate School, New York, New York, m.nicolescu@verizon.net

DCI '03 Mentors

Kim Factor, Marquette University, kfactor@mscs.mu.edu
John Gimbel, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, ffjgg@aurora.alaska.edu
Evan Wantland, Warren Wilson College, wantland@warren-wilson.edu

DCI '02 Mentors

Heather Gavlas, Illinois State University, hgavlas@ilstu.edu
Dean Hoffman, Auburn University, hoffmdg@dms.auburn.edu


Victoria Barrameda, Lake Worth High School, Lakeworth, FL, barramv@Mail.PalmBeach.K12.FL.US
Jason Bershatsky, Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, PA, bershatskyj@mercersburg.edu
Ramona Besleaga, Spiru Haret High School, Romania, adiaar23@yahoo.com
Amy M. Bray, Rush-Henrietta Ninth Grade Academy, Henrietta, NY, amymariebray@hotmail.com
Nicolae Breazu, Spiru Haret High School, Romania, nicu_breazu@yahoo.com
Joel Bundt, M.O.C.-Floyd Community Schools, Orange City, IA, jbundt@moc-fv.k12.ia.us
Fred G. Campillo, Stephen F. Austin High School, Austin, TX, fcampill@austin.isd.tenet.edu
Erin Cerchio, William Dickinson High School, AndyP46@aol.com
Nicole A. Davis, Grayson High School, Loganville, GA, Nicole_A_Davis@gwinnett.k12.ga.us
Nancy Dorff-Pennea, Suncoast Community High School, Riviera Beach, FL, dorffpn@Mail.PalmBeach.K12.FL.US
Mogos Carmen Elena, Alexandru Ian Cuza High School, Romania, mogoscarmenelena@yahoo.com
Melvin Fox, Mercyhurst Preparatory High School, Erie, PA, hfox@mpslakers.com
Sister Elizabeth Graham, Christ the King Regional High School, Middle Village, NY, LizCGraham@aol.com
Michael Greene, Archbishop Mitty High School, San Jose, CA, mgreene@mitty.com
Brenda Hartmann, Mountain Lakes High School, Mountain Lakes, NJ, bhartmann@mtlakes.org
Janet Indermuehle, Central High School, Springfield, MO, jindermuehle@hotmail.com
Catalina Anca Isofache, Alexandru Ian Cuza High School, Romania, issofache_c@yahoo.com
Halle Kananack, School of the Future, New York, NY, mathwithhalle@yahoo.com
Thomas Kehinde, Norman Thomas High School, New York, NY, dele100@hotmail.com
Jeffrey Lesser, Schreiber High School, Port Washington, NY, JLesser3@nyc.rr.com
Marta Magiera, John Hope College Preparatory High School, Chicago, IL, magmarta@aol.com
Misty Maib, Metairie Park Country Day School, Metairie, LA, misty_maib@mpcds.com
Laurene McKenna, Fort Ann Central School, Fort Ann, NY, mmuvm99@localnet.com
David Donald Mellor, North Smithfield High School, North Smithfield, RI, nshsmellor@hotmail.com
Sonja Lynne Mitchell, New Haven, CT, sonjamitchell@hotmail.com
Lois Rashkin, Bayshore High School, Bradenton, FL, rashkin_1@firn.edu
Heather Robinson, Grayson High School, Loganville, GA, Heather_J_Robinson@gwinnett.k12.ga.us
Russell Rogers, II, Wallkinn Valley Regional High School, Hamburg, NJ, rrogers2@wallkill.k12.nj.us
Segal Rosenfeld-Kirsch, Fair Lawn, NJ, segalkirsch@hotmail.com
Kenneth Smith, Hudson County Schools of Technology, North Bergen, NJ, hootowl@bigplanet.com
Melissa Spencer, Creekside High School, Murray, UT, mspencer22@yahoo.com
Willie Taylor, McGill-Toolen Catholic, Mobile, AL, taylorw@mcgill.pvt.k12.al.us
Godfred Tong, District 23, Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY, getong@optonline.net
Jessica VanDriesen, Wadleigh Secondary School, New York, NY, jvandriesen@hotmail.com
Ben Weins, M.O.C.-Floyd Community Schools, Orange City, IA, bweins@moc-fv.k12.ia.us

Page last updated July 9, 2003.