DIMACS Workshop Parallell Processing of Discrete Optimization Problems
April 28 - 29, 1994
DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
- Organizers:
- P.M. Pardalos, University of Florida, pardalos@math.ufl.edu
- M.G.C. Resende, AT&T Bell Labs, mgcr@research.att.com
- K.G. Ramakrishnan, AT&T Bell Labs, kgr@research.att.com
Presented under the auspices of the Special Year on Massively Parallel Computing.
Workshop Program:
Thursday, April 28, 1994
9:00 Welcome from the DIMACS Director and the Organizers
Session T.A Chairman: P. Pardalos
9:10 David Applegate, R. Bixby, V. Chvatal and W. Cook
Solving Large TSPs in Parallel
9:45 Jonathan Eckstein
Parallel Branch-and-Bound Techniques for General Mixed Integer
Programming on the CM-5
10:20 Jun Gu
Parallel Processing for Satisfiability (SAT) Problems
10:55 Break
Session T.B Chairman: M.G.C. Resende
11:15 Gerasoulis Apostolos
A Multistage Approach to Scheduling Task Graphs and its Impact
to Parallel Numerical Computing
11:50 Christian Schutt and Jens Clausen
Parallel Algorithms for the Assignment Problem - An Experimental
Evaluation of 3 Distributed Algorithms
12:25 Lunch
Session T.C Chairman: K.G. Ramakrishnan
2:15 Per S. Laursen
Experiences with a Synchronous Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm
2:50 Reinhard Luling, Burkhard Monien, Stefan Tschoke
Load Balancing for Distributed Branch & Bound Algorithms:
Experiments and Theory
3:25 George Karypis, Anshul Gupta, and Vipin Kumar
Parallel Formulation of Interior Point Algorithms
4:00 Break
Session T.D Chairman: P.M. Pardalos
4:20 Costas Busch and Marios Mavronicolas
Proving Correctness of Balancing Networks
4:55 R. Correa and A. Ferreira
On (A)synchronous Parallel Branch-and-Bound
5:30 Van-Dat Cung and Bertrand Le Cun
A Suitable Data Structure for Parallel A*
7:00 Banquet
Friday, April 29, 1994
Session F.A Chairman: M.G.C. Resende
9:00 Catherine Roucairol
Parallelism and Irregular Data Structures
9:35 J. MacGregor Smith and Kui Xu
Serial & Parallel Algorithms for Quadratic Set Packing Problems
10:10 Robert Meyer
Parallel Genetic Algorithms in Network Optimization
10:45 Break
Session F.B Chairman: K.G. Ramakrishnan
11:05 Shantanu Dutt and Nihar R. Mahapatra
New Anticipatory and Scalable Load Balancing Strategies for Parallel
Best First Search
11:40 Santosh Pande and Kleanthis Psarris
Scheduling Acyclic Task Graphs on Distributed Memory Parallel
12:15 Alexander Reinefeld
Scalability of Massively Parallel Depth-First Search
12:50 Lunch
Session F.C Chairman: P. Pardalos
2:30 Andrea Clementi, Ludek Kucera and Jose Rolim
A Note on Parallel Randomized Algorithms for Searching Problems
3:05 Jaideep Srivastava, Thomas M. Niccum and Bhaskar Himatsingka
Query Optimization and Processing in Parallel Databases
3:40-4:00 Break
Session F.D Chairman: M.G.C. Resende
4:00 Theodore Johnson
Asynchronous Distributed Data Structures: Lists and Priority Locks
4:35 Boleslaw Mikolajczak
Parallel Distributed Algorithm to Compute all Homomorphisms
of Finite Atomata
5:10 Zhijun Wu
E-Optimal Solutions to Nonlinear 0-1 Integer Programs Using
the Subgradient Algorithm
5:45 Closing Remarks from the Organizers
7:00 Dinner
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Document last modified on April 13, 1998.