DIMACS 2002-2011 Special Focus on Computational and Mathematical Epidemiology:
Organizing Committee:
- Mathematics and Computer Science:
- Martin Farach-Colton, Rutgers University, farach@cs.rutgers.edu
- S. Muthukrishnan, Rutgers University, muthu@cs.rutgers.edu
- Fred S. Roberts, Special Focus Chair, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- Statistics:
- Donald Hoover, Rutgers University, drhoover@stat.rutgers.edu
- David Madigan, Rutgers University, madigan@stat.rutgers.edu
- Public Health and Epidemiology:
- Marc Lipsitch, Harvard School of Public Health, mlipsitc@hsph.harvard.edu
- Megan Murray, Harvard School of Public Health, mmurray@hsph.harvard.edu
- David Ozonoff, Boston University, dozonoff@bu.edu
- Burton Singer, Princeton University, singer@princeton.edu
- Daniel Wartenberg, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, wartenbe@umdnj.edu
- Biology:
- Sunetra Gupta, Oxford University, sunetra.gupta@zoo.ox.ac.uk
- David Krakauer, Santa Fe Institute, krakauer@santafe.edu
- Simon Levin, Princeton University, slevin@eno.princeton.edu
Advisory Committee:
- Ansuman Bagchi, Merck Research
- Donald Burke, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Departments of International Health and Epidemiology
- Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Cornell University, Biometrics
- Andy Dobson, Princeton University, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Stephanie Forrest, University of New Mexico, Computer Science
- Chris Gilligan, University of Cambridge, Plant Sciences
- John Glasser, CDC
- Bryan Grenfell, University of Cambridge, Zoology
- Harry Guess, University of North Carolina, Epidemiology Department
- Hans Heesterbeek, Wageningen University, Mathematical and Statistical Methods
- Herbert Hethcote, University of Iowa, Applied Mathematics
- Robert Horsburgh, Boston University, Epidemiology
- Jennie Hunter-Cevera, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
- Valerie Isham, University College, London, Statistical Science
- Sorin Istrail, Celera Genomics
- Mel Janowitz, Rutgers University, DIMACS
- Denise Kirschner, University of Michigan, Medical School, Microbiology and Immunology
- Natalia Komarova, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- Joel Lebowitz, Rutgers University, Mathematics and Physics
- Ellis McKenzie, NIH
- Martin I. Meltzer, CDC
- Denis Mollison, Heriot-Watt University, Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics
- Mark Newman, Santa Fe Institute
- Martin Nowak, Institute for Advanced Study, Theoretical Biology
- Alan Perelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Pavel Pevzner, University of California - San Diego, Computer Science
- William Shannon, Washington University School of Medicine, Biostatistics in Medicine
- Mona Singh, Princeton University, Computer Science
- Eduardo Sontag, Rutgers University, Mathematics
- Pauline van den Driessche, University of Victoria, Mathematics and Statistics
- Robert Vichnevetsky, Rutgers University, Computer Science
- Shibu Yooseph, Celera Genomics
- Office of Naval Research (ONR)
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Burroughs-Wellcome Fund
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- NJ Commission on Science and Technology
- DIMACS' partners:
- Rutgers University
- Princeton University
- AT&T Labs - Research
- Bell Labs
- NEC Research Institute
- Telcordia Technologies
- DIMACS' Affiliate Members:
- Avaya Labs
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- IBM Research
- HP Labs
- Microsoft Research
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Stevens Institute of Technology
Index of Special Focus on Computational and Mathematical Epidemiology
DIMACS Home Page
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on December 3, 2009.