This page contains only mentors & participants back to 2009, and various pieces of data may be missing or incomplete. Older REU information is accessible from the REU home page. Generally, mentor information is as current as the most recent year in which that person was a mentor.
Rutgers University
James Abello is a research professor at DIMACS. His areas of expertise include graph clustering, analysis of massive datasets, and visualization of complex data. His recent projects include Name that Cluster and Graph Mining.
Computer Science
Rutgers University
Eric Allender is a professor of computer science and a DIMACS member who has organized and co-organized several DIMACS workshops. His primary research interest is the theory of computational complexity. His most recent project is Small Complexity Classes.
Rutgers University
Andrew Baxter is a recently-graduated Ph.D. student in the Department of Mathematics at Rutgers. He was the co-organizer (with Doron Zeilberger) of the DIMACS-sponsored Experimental Mathematics Semianr. He will be an instructor at Penn State starting in the fall of 2011. His research interests include permutation statistics, experimental mathematics, enumerative combinatorics, enumeration schemes, and billiard paths. His most recent project is Billiards in Polygons.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Shabnam Beheshti Geometric Analysis, Integrable Systems, General Relativity, Soliton Theory, PDEs arising in Mathematical Physics
Applied Research
Telcordia Technologies
Cliff Behrens is a senior research scientist at Telcordia Technologies, Applied Research, and a member of DIMACS. His areas of expertiese are telecommunications, geospatial mapping, and large-scale discrete modeling. His most recent project is Agent Based Modeling of Crowd Behavior.
BioMaPS Institute for Quantitative Biology and Computer Science
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Department of Physics
Rutgers University
Gyan Bhanot is professor of molecular biology & biochemistry and of physics, as well as a member of the interdisciplinary BioMaPS program. He is also a member of the Cancer Institute of New Jersey. His areas of expertise include computational biology and evolutionary genetics. His recent projects include Cell Population Dynamics and Cancer Modeling in the Human Colon: An Extension of the Johnston Model and Identifying patterns of migration and selection in HapMaP III data.
Rutgers University
Endre Boros is professor of operations research and director of the Rutgers Center for Operations Research (RutCOR) and a member of DIMACS. His research interests include combinatorial optimization, integer programming, and the theory of boolean functions. Recent projects include projects related to graph theory and game theory.
BioMaPS Institute for Quantitative Biology and Computer Science
Biochemistry & Microbiology
Rutgers University
Yana Bromberg is an assistant professor of Biochemistry & Microbiology and a member of the Institute for Marine and Costal Sciences, BioMaPS, and the Cancer Institute of New Jersey. Her primary research interest is the bioinformatic analysis of protein function prediction. Her most recent project is Protein Activity Unmasked.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Anders Buch is Professor of Mathematics at Rutgers University. His research interests include algebraic geometric and combinatorial algebra.
Rutgers University
Tami Carpenter is a research professor and former associate director of DIMACS. Her areas of expertise include optimization and mathematical modeling. Her recent projects include Mathematical Models of Theories of Leadership and Allocation of Monetary Resources in HIV-Infected Communities.
Computer Science
Rutgers University
Art Chaovalitwongse is an assistant professor of computer science and a member of DIMACS. His research includes topics in operations research and computer science in medical applications. His REU projects include Optimizing Cooperative Sensors in Battlespace and Mining EEG Data to Diagnose Epilepsy.
Department of Chemistry
Rutgers University
Kevin Chen is an assistant professor in the Department of Genetics. His areas of research include population genetics and the molecular biology of regulatory RNA. His first project is Statistical Algorithms in Population Genetics.
Department of Mathematics
Shippensburg University
Ji Young Choi is a visiting researcher at DIMACS, on sabbatical from Shippensburg. Her research interests include algebraic combinatorics and graph theory. Her ongoing REU project is The boundaries of the minimum Pk-total weights for simple connected graphs.
AT&T Research
Graham Cormode is a researcher in AT&T Labs research division and a DIMACS member. His research intersts are in the areas of algorithms and computational complexity. His recent projects include Outsourced Computation Verification and Standardization of Mergeable Quantile Summaries.
Rutgers University
Margaret (Midge) Cozzens is a research professor at DIMACS. She is also Education Director of CCICADA. Her research interests include mathematical modeling, game theory, operations research, and mathematical education. Her ongoing REU project is A Game Theory Approach to Cascading Behavior in Networks.
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
Tina Eliassi-Rad is an associate professor of computer science and a member of DIMACS. Her research interests include data mining, machine learning, and the analysis of complex relational data. Her first REU project was Graph Mining.
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Rutgers University
E. A. Elsayed is is professor of industrial and systems engineering and a member of DIMACS. His areas of expertise include quality control, reliability engineering, and production planning & control. His ongoing REU project is Optimum Strategies of Container Inspection Scheduling and Sequencing at Port-of-Entry, which also included Nuclear Detection.
Ecology Evolution & Natural Resources, DIMACS
Rutgers University
Nina Fefferman is an associate professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, and is also a member of DIMACS's research faculty. She studies mathematical and computational models in biology, specializing in evolutionary & behavioral ecology as well as epidemiology. Her recent projects include epidemiological modeling of infectious diseases and comparing routes of transmission in multi-vector disease models.
Rutgers University
Gene Fiorini is associate director of DIMACS and director of the DIMACS REU. His research interests include extremal graph theory, graph pebbling, and mathematical education. His ongoing REU projects include graph pebbling, sustainability-related projects, and projects including mathematical forensics.
Department of Computer Science
Vinod Ganapathy is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and a member of DIMACS. His research areas include security & privacy, mobile systems, and virtualization. His first REU project is Analyzing information flow in JavaScript-based browser extensions.
Department of Computer Science
Texas Southern University
Lila Ghemri is an associate professor of computer science at TSU. Her research interests include language analysis and education in computer science, and her first REU project is Accountability in Social Networks.
Department of Mathematics
New York City College of Technology
Urmi Ghosh-Dastidar is an assistant professor at NY City Tech in the Department of Mathematics. Her research areas include optimization, signal processing, and wave propagation. She is also a DIMACS visiting researcher. Her recent REU projects focus on modeling the food webs of the Hudson Valley.
AT&T Research
Yifan Hu is a research at AT&T Research. His areas of expertise include graph visualization, machine learning, and numerical analysis & optimization. His recent projects include Name that Cluster and Graph Mining.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Yi-Zhi Huang is professor of mathematics. His research interests include vertex operator algebras and their applications to conformal field theory and to physics. His first REU project is the Finiteness problem in the representation theory of vertex operator algebras.
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
Liviu Iftode is a professor in the Department of Computer Science. His research interests include distributed computing, network & mobile security, and vehicular & traffic computing. His first REU project is Game-Theoretic Analysis of Climbing Social Ladder in Networks.
Rutgers University
Aaron Jaggard is a member of the DIMACS research faculty. His research focus includes various aspects of networking, including privacy, security, and traffic routing. He will also be starting in Fall 2011 as a visitor at the Department of Computer Science at Colgate University. His recent projects include topics in graph theory, network traffic, and permutation patterns.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Jeffry Kahn is a professor in the Department of Mathematics. His expertise includes many areas in discrete mathematics, including graph theory, combinatorial geometry, and the theory of set systems. His first REU project investigates the Wide Partition Conjecture.
Computer Science
Rutgers University
Bahman Kalantari is a professor of computer science and a DIMACS member. His research interests include mathematical programming and optimization. His recent projects involve artistic and mathematical aspects of root-finding algorithms and their basins of attraction.
School of Communication & Information
Rutgers University
Paul Kantor is a professor at the School of Communiation and Information and is a member of DIMACS. He is also Research Director of CCICADA. His areas of expertise include a broad range of topics in communication, data analysis, operations research, and applications to security and defense. His first REU project is on the topic of Game Theoretic Aspects of Homeland Security.
AT&T Research
Howard Karloff is a researcher at AT&T Research Labs and a member of DIMACS. His research interests include graph theory and data analysis. His first REU project is Exploring Topics in Approximation, Online and Randomized Algorithms.
Department of Mathematics
University of Delaware
Felix Lazebnik is professor of mathematics at the University of Delaware. His research intersts include graph theory and algebraic combinatorics.
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
Michael Littman is a professor of Computer Science and a member of DIMACS. His areas of expertise are broad, and include machine learning, networking, and game theory. His first REU project is In Search of Value Equilibria.
Computer Science
Rutgers University
Qingshan Lui is a professor of computer science. His research areas focus on aspects of image and video analysis, particularly identification and analysis of faces, objects, and events. His fist project is Identifying Objects by Incorporating RFID.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Luis Medina is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics. His research interests include combinatorics and number theory. His first REU project studies the p-adic valuation of Eulerian sequences.
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
Muthu Muthukrishnan is a professor of computer science and a member of DIMACS. He is also Director of Data Research at CCICADA. His research interests include data analysis, network analysis & anomaly detection, and algorithms. His recent projects include Game-theoretic analysis of climbing social ladder in networks and Outsourced Computation Verification.
Applied Research
Telcordia Technologies
Linda Ness is a researcher at Telcordia Applied Research. Her research interests focus on algorithms for representation and analysis of streaming data. Linda's first REU project is Mathematical Models for Cognitive Systems.
Rutgers University
Alantha Newman is a postdoctoral researcher at DIMACS. Her research areas include algorithms, optimization, combinatorics, and computational biology. Her first REU project is on the topic of Clustering Permutations.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Roger Nussbaum is a professor of mathematics. His area of expertise is in the area of functional analysis. His first REU project studies .
Department of Chemistry
Rutgers University
Wilma Olson is professor of chemistry and a member of DIMACS. Her research interests include many aspects of the chemistry of DNA, RNA, and proteins. Her ongoing REU project is Chromatin Folding & DNA Looping.
Rutgers University
Boram Park is a postdoctoral researcher at DIMACS. Her interests include graph theory, game theory, and combinatorics. Her first REU project is Edge Clique Covers of Complete Multipartite Graphs.
Rutgers University
William Pottenger is a member of the research faculty at DIMACS and the Director of Technology Transfer for CCICADA. His research intersets include interactive automation and high-performanc computing.
Department of Mathematics
Alabama A&M University
Arjuna Ranasinghe is a professor of matheamtics at Alabama A&M University. His research interests include numerical analysis and differential equations.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Siddhartha Sahi is a professor of mathematics. His research areas include the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebars.
Computer Science
BioMaPS Institute for Quantitative Biology and Computer Science
Rutgers University
Alexander Schliep is an associate professor of computer science and a member of the BioMaPS institute. His research interests include genomics, machine learning, and algorithms for bioinformatics. His REU projects include an ongoing project on Animations for Bioinformatics Algorithms.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Eugene Speer is a professor of mathematics. His areas of expertise include analysis and statistical mechanics.
Computer Science
Rutgers University
Mario Szegedy is a professor in the Department of Computer Science. His areas of expertise include complexity theory, graph theory, and quantum computing. His first REU project is in the area of graph theory.
Department of Computer Science
Princeton University
Robert Tarjan is a professor of computer science at Princeton University and the co-director of DIMACS for Princeton. His areas of expertise include graph theory, algorithms, and data structures. His first REU project is Linear time Union-Find for Image Processing.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Roderich Tumulka is a professor of mathematics. His research interests focus on mathematical physics. His REU projects include GRW theory and The Continuum Limit of Bell's Jump Process.
Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering
Princeton University
Robert Vanderbei is professor of operations research and financial engineering at Princeton University. He is also associated with the departments of Astrophysics, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. His areas of expertise are broad, and include linear programming, optimization, game theory, and probability. His first REU project is Climate Change Analysis.
Department of Mathematics
Tung-Hai University, Taiwan
Tao Ming Wang is a professor of mathematics at Tung-Hai University, Taiwan. His research interests lie in graph theory. His first REU project is Antimagic Labellings in Graphs.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Robert Wilson is a professor in the Department of Mathematics. His research interests include multilinear algebra and group theory. His most recent REU project is 2x2 Matrix Polynomial Equations in Octonions.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Chris Woodward is a professor of mathematics. His areas of expertise include symplectic, algebraic geometry, and gauge theory.
Rutgers University
Minge Xie is a professor of statistics and a member of DIMACS. His research interests include statistical interference, confidence intervals, and nonparametric method, and applications of these methods to medical, social, and environmental sciences. His ongoing REU project is Optimum Strategies of Container Inspection Scheduling and Sequencing at Port-of-Entry, which also included Nuclear Detection.
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
Danfeng Yao is assistant professor of computer science. Her projects include Detecting Drive-by-Downloads Using Human Behavior Patterns and Building Robust and Automatic Authentification Systems with Activity-Based Personal Questions.
Rutgers University
Debbie Yuster is a posdoctoral fellow at DIMACS. Her research interests include combinatorics and geometry. Her first REU project is Computing Shift Equivalence.
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Doron Zeilberger is a professor in the Department of Mathematics. His research interests include enumerative combinatorics and experimental mathematics. His first REU project studies the p-adic valuation of Eulerian sequences.