Eighth New Jersey Universities Homeland Security Research Consortium Symposium
Homeland Security: From Face Recognition to Disease Detection, Natural Disasters to Transit Security

Friday, December 5, 2008
Princeton University

Organizing Committee:
Paul Lioy, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, plioy at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Warren Powell, Princeton University, powell at Princeton.EDU
Fred Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts at dimacs.rutgers.edu
Presented by the New Jersey Universities Homeland Security Research Consortium.
Call for Participation

Rather than plan a specific theme, we want to let those at the Consortium universities set the agenda by submitting papers. If you would like to give a talk about any aspect of your work that relates to homeland security, broadly defined, and you work at one of the Consortium universities, please send a title and one paragraph abstract no later than November 7 to:

Christine Spassione, spassion@dimacs.rutgers.edu

The Organizing Committee will review the submissions and inform submitters whether their papers are accepted. We anticipate both oral presentations and poster presentations, so if you have a preference, please state that when you submit your abstract (though we cannot guarantee everyone will get their first choice).

Document last modified on October 28, 2008.