DIMACS/LAMSADE Workshop on Algorithmic Decision Theory and Meeting of the COST Action ICO602

October 28 - 31, 2008
University Paris Dauphine, France

Ulle Endriss, ILLC, University of Amsterdam, ulle@illc.uva.nl
Nicolas Maudet, Lamsade, Université Paris Dauphine, maudet@lamsade.dauphine.fr
Fred Roberts, DIMACS, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Alexis Tsoukiās, LAMSADE, tsoukias@lamsade.dauphine.fr
This workshop is sponsored by CNRS and the COST Programme.

DIMACS/LAMSADE PARTNERSHIP on Computer Science and Decision Theory: Applications of Notions of Consensus


LAMSADE Cost Action Workshop Website

Workshop Program:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Meetings of the COST Action IC0602 Working Groups

Room A709 Workshop on Imprecise Probabilities (WG1)

 9:00 -  9:45 Gert de Cooman: Epistemic irrelevance in credal networks

 9:45 - 10:30 Enrique Miranda: A state-independent preference representation in the continuous case

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee  break

11:00 - 11:45 Marco Zaffalon: Learning under prior near-ignorance

11:45 -  1:30 Lunch break and time for discussions

 1:30 -  2:15 Ahti Salo: Robust Portfolio Modeling

 2:15 -  3:30 Manfred Jaeger: Imprecise probabilities and learning from incomplete data

 3:30         More time for discussions

Room A707

 2:00         Working meeting of WG2 and WG3

Wednesday, October 29 2008

 8:30 -  9:00 Registration

 9:00 -  9:15 Opening session
 9:15 - 10:45 Tutorial session 1 (chair Alexis Tsoukiās)
              Optimal Scheduling of Stochastically Independent Tests
              Paul Kantor
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30 Tutorial Session 2 (chair Ulle Endriss)
              Game Theoretic Solutions and How to Compute Them
              Vincent Conitzer
12:30 -  2:30 Lunch
 2:30 -  4:00 Tutorial Session 3 (chair Eleni Pratsini)
              From Decision Theory to combinatorial optimization: problems and algorithms in graphs
              Patrice Perny
 4:00 -  4:30 Coffee break
 4:30 -  6:00 Tutorial Session 4 (chair Ronen Brafman)
              Auctions as Information Aggregation Mechanisms
              Aleksandar Pekec
 6:00 -  7:30 Welcome drink
Thursday, October 30, 2008

 8:30 - 10:15 Session 1 (chair Nicolas Maudet)
              Desirable tie-braking rules in collective decision making
              G. Pigozzi, M. Slavkovik, L. van der Torre

              A geometric approach to judgement aggregation
              D. Eckert, Ch. Klamler

              Single peaked consistency and its complexity
              B. Escoffier, J. Lang, M. Öztürk
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 12:45 Tutorial session 5 (chair Meltem Özt:ürk)
              Challenges in Business Analytics; an industrial research perspective
              Eleni Pratsini

              (followed by a discussion with Fred Roberts and Alexis Tsoukiās)
12:45 -  2:15 Lunch
 2:15 -  4:00 Session 2 (chair David Rios Insua)
              Centrality and Distribution of Partitions according to the Transfer Distance
              L. Belgacem, O. Hudry

              An outranking-based sorting method for partially ordered catgegories
              Ph. Nemery

              On clustering the criteria in an outranking-based decision aid approach
              R. Bisdorff
 4:00 -  4:30 Coffee break
 4:30 -  6:15 Session 3 (chair Raymond Bisdorff)
              Algorithmic Decision Theory within Discrete Complex. Networks
              S. Pickl, D. Lozovanu

              One-Sided Decision Support for Competitve Bindings
              J. Rios, D. Rios-Insua, D. Banks

Friday, October 31 2008

 9:30 - 10:30 Tutorial Session 6 (chair Fred Roberts)
              Expressiveness in Mechanism Design
              Tuomas Sandholm

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 - 12:20 Session 4 (chair Vincent Conitzer)
              Collective decision making with individual confidence scores in the decision rule
              F. Benamara, S. Kaci, G. Pigozzi

              Complexity of some aspects of manipulation in weighted voting games
              H. Aziz, M. Paterson

              Compiling the votes of a subelectorate 
              Y. Chevaleyre, J.Lang, N. Maudet, G. Ravilly-Abadie
12:20 -  2:15 Lunch
 2:15 -  6:00 Session 5 (chair Stefan Pickl)
              Relational Preference Rules for Control
              R. Brafman

              Score-based bibliometric rankings of authors
              Th. Marchant

              Decision Policy Design as Pareto-Minimization of Infeasible Lower Bounds
              U. Junker, A. Tsoukiās
 4:00 -  4:30 Coffee break
 4:30 -  6:30 General Meeting of the COST Action IC0602.

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Document last modified on October 23, 2008.