Mini-workshop: DNA Based Computers

                      DIMACS Mini Workshop

           DNA Based Computers: A Mini DIMACS Workshop

                    Tuesday, April 4th, 1995

PLACE:   Princeton University
         E-Quad, Olden Street
         Princeton, NJ  08540

ROOM:    Convocation Room
TIME:    9:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
HOSTS:   Prof. Dick Lipton, Princeton University
         Eric Baum, NEC Research Institute

                  Tentative Schedule

 9:00         Coffee 

 9:30         L. Adleman (USC) 
	      "Molecular Computation"

10:30         Break  

10:45         R. J. Lipton (Princeton) 
	      "DNA Solution of Hard Computational Problems"

11:20         D. Boneh (Princeton) 
	      "Breaking DES Usion a Molecular Computer"

11:40         E. B. Baum (NEC Research Institite) 
	      "How to Build an Associative Memory Vastly
	      Larger than the Brain"

12:00-2:00    Lunch 

 2:00         W. D. Smith (NEC) 
	      "DNA computers in vitro and vivo"

 3:00         Break 

 3:15         D. Beaver (Penn State)  
	      "A Universal Molecular Computer"

This will be a one day workshop.

Parking is in Princeton University's parking garage located on Prospect Avenue (off Washington Road). Please park on the 5th floor.

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Document last modified on March 24, 1995