Proceedings for DIMACS Workshops and Conferences:

1989   1990   1991   1992   1993   1994   1995   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003 

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
  • Geometric and Computational Perspectives on Infinite Groups - Proceedings of Joint DIMACS/Geometry Center Workshops, January 3 - 14, 1994 and March 17 - 20, 1994
    Available through AMS (Volume 25 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Interconnection Networks and Mapping and Scheduling Parallel Computations, February 7 - 9, 1994
    Available through AMS (Volume 21 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Parallel Processing of Discrete Optimization Problems, April 28 - 29, 1994
    Available through AMS (Volume 22 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering Information, preface and table of contents

  • Specification of Parallel Algorithms, May 9 - 11, 1994
    Available from AMS (Volume 18 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, May 23 - 27, 1994
    Available from AMS (Volume 24 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • DNA Mapping, October 6 - 9, 1994
    No proceedings were published for this workshop. Special Issue of Journal of Computational Biology, 1995, vol. 2 #2

  • Parallel Algorithms: The Third DIMACS Implementation Challenge, October 17 - 19, 1994
    Available through AMS (Volume 30 of the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Mini-workshop on Combinatorial Structures in Molecular Biology, November 4, 1994
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Sequence Alignment, November 10 - 12, 1994
    No proceedings were published for this workshop. Survey paper "Sequence Alignment in Molecular Biology" by Raffaele Giancarlo and Alberto Apostolico to be published through AMS (DIMACS Series) and in the Journal of Computational Biology.

  • DNA Topology and Structure, December 9, 1994
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Phylogeny, February 6 - 8, 1995
    Available in postscript: Tech Report 95-48

  • Global Minimization of Nonconvex Energy Functions: Molecular Conformation and Protein Folding, March 20 - 21, 1995
    Available from AMS (Volume 23 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Sequence-Based Methods for Protein Folding, March 24, 1995
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • DNA Based Computers, April 4, 1995
    Available through AMS (Volume 27 of the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • HIV Sequence Analysis, May 3 - 5, 1995
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Groups and Computation II, June 7 - 10, 1995
    Available through AMS (Volume 28 in the DIMACS Series)
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Mini-workshop on Geometrical Methods for Conformational Modeling, August 2 - 3, 1995
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Mini-workshop on Gene Finding and Gene Prediction, October 14 - 15, 1995
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Verification and Control of Hybrid Systems, October 22 - 25, 1995
    Available through Springer-Verlag (Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Volume 1066): Ordering Information

  • Logic and Random Structures, November 5 - 7, 1995
    Available through AMS (Volume 33 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Descriptive Complexity and Finite Models, January 14 - 17, 1996
    Available through AMS (Volume 31 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Combinatorial Number Theory, February 5 - 9, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • The 2nd Sandia National Laboratories Workshop on Computational Molecular Biology, March 4 - 6, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Satisfiability Problem: Theory and Applications, March 11 - 12, 1996
    Available from AMS (Volume 35 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Proof Complexity and Feasible Arithmetics, April 21 - 24, 1996
    Available through AMS (Volume 39 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Controllers for Manufacturing and Automation: Specification, Synthesis, and Verification Issues, May 13 - 15, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Computational Biology as part of the 50th Anniversary for ENIAC (organized in collaboration with DIMACS), May 17 - 19, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • The 2nd Annual DIMACS Workshop on DNA Based Computers, June 10 - 12, 1996
    Available through AMS (Volume 44 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Second Conference for African-Americans in the Mathematical Sciences, June 26 - 29, 1996
    Available through AMS (Volume 34 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Partial Order Methods in Verification, July 24 - 26, 1996
    Available through AMS (Volume 29 of the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Teaching Logic and Reasoning in an Illogical World, July 25 - 26, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Computation Complexity and Programming Languages, July 25 - 26, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.
    Available: Workshop Report

  • The Second Workshop on the SPIN Verification System, August 5, 1996
    Available through AMS (Volume 32 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • DIMACS Networks Day, September 27, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Trust Management in Networks, September 30 - October 2, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Probabilistic Methods in Discrete Mathematics, October 14 - 18, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Theory and Hypermedia for Big Science in Musicology: A one day course on Mathematical Music Theory, October 26, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this course.

  • 5th DIMACS Implementation Challenge: Priority Queues and Dictionaries, October 28 - 30, 1996
    Proceedings for this workshop to be published.

  • Performance of Real-time Applications on the Internet, November 6 - 8, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Mathematical Hierarchies and Biology, November 13 - 15, 1996
    Available through AMS (Volume 37 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Network Threats December 2 - 4, 1996
    Available through AMS (Volume 38 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Computational and Physical Aspects of Protein Folding and Related Problems, December 17, 1996
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Session on Mathematical, Statistical, and Algorithmic Problems of Very Large Data Sets:
    The American Mathematical Society Meeting
    , January 8, 1997
    No proceedings were published as a result of this meeting.

  • Architecture and Algorithmic Aspects of Communication Networks, January 26 - 28, 1997
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Statistical Physics Methods in Discrete Probability, Combinatorics amd Theoretical Computer Science, March 23 - 27, 1997
    No proceedings were published for this workshop. Special issue of "Random Structures and Algorithms" to be published.

  • DIMACS/PMMB/MBBC Workshop on DNA Topology II, April 3 - 4, 1997
    Proceedings of this workshop to appear in special section of May 1998 issue of Biophysical Journal.

  • Economics, Game Theory, and the Internet, April 18 - 19, 1997
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Network Design: Connectivity and Facilities Location, April 28 - 30, 1997
    Available through AMS (Volume 40 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms, May 11 - 14, 1997
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Combinatorial Optimization and Disordered Materials: Recent Progress and Algorithmic Challenges, May 15 - 17, 1997,
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • The Future of Discrete Mathematics, a joint DIMACS/DIMATIA conference, May 19 - 24, 1997
    Available through AMS (Volume 49 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Microsurveys in Discrete Probability, June 2 - 6, 1997
    Available through AMS (Volume 41 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Third International Workshop on DNA Computation, June 23 - 25, 1997
    Available through AMS (Volume 48 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Network Switching, July 7 - 9, 1997
    Available through AMS (Volume 42 in the DIMACS Series)
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Special Year on Logic and Algorithms - One Year Later, July 23 - 25, 1997
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • Design and Formal Verification of Security Protocols, September 3 - 5, 1997
    Available on cd-rom. Send email to the Center Administrator at:

  • Massive Data Sets in Telecommunications, October 13 - 15, 1997
    No proceedings were published for this workshop.

  • End-to-End Network Modelling and Simulations, October 23 - 24, 1997
    Web-based proceedings are available.

  • Networks in Distributed Computing October 27 - 29, 1997
    Available through AMS (Volume 45 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

  • Randomization Methods in Algorithm Design, December 12 - 14, 1997
    Available through AMS (Volume 43 in the DIMACS Series):
    Ordering information, preface and table of contents

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
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Document last modified on December 2, 2005.